Me and My Shadow: Healing Stuck Places
Tools to recognize and healing heart wound.
This course is for you since:
YOU DESIRE TO GROW beyond negative and self-limiting reactions to some situations and the behaviors of others to create the life you want.
YOU FIND YOURSELF STUCK repeating negative and self-critical reactions that block you from creating the life you want when you:
YOU WANT TO BE FREE FROM BEING BLOCKED by life-taking shadow issues using the practical and easy-to-use SHADOW WORK TOOL modeled in this course.
Learn to recognize behavior clues that suggest your Shadow may be activated.
Recognize when you are reacting out of your "Shadow-self" and when you are expressing an authentic emotion.
Learn the anatomy of how heart-wounds create Shadow-self issues.
Identify 15 major quality-of-life benefits From Shadow Work
Identify your resistance blocks to doing Shadow Work
Work stepwise through a 3-phase experiential Integral Shadow Work Tool
Have a practical, simple-to-use Tool to independently continue any Shadow Work.
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